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July 31, 2021The Olympics: Beneficiaries of a Waste Removal Campaign
August 11, 2021Waste is the unfortunate by-product of most of our man-made activities on the planet. We have discovered that in more advanced societies waste levels are higher, requiring more sophisticated waste management strategies. Around the world every country has its own waste management challenges: some very advanced, and others less developed.
The problem with waste is that its very mobile. Once entering water for example, it can rapidly spread to other communities, and even travel many miles out at sea. To understand where waste comes from we look at the various sources of waste and how waste management strategies differ around the world.
Who are the Waste Producers?
When we think of waste, tend to focus on residential waste which comes from homes and apartments. Here occupants generate food waste, all types of recyclable waste like paper, glass, cardboard, garden waste and special forms of waste like bulky goods, appliances, and electronics. However, as we will see there are many other waste generators out there.
Industrial Waste
These are light and heavy manufacturing businesses, chemical plants, construction sites, power plants, and fabrication units. Many of these are process plants, producing industrial process wastes, scrap metals, slag-tailings and products that contain toxins.
Commercial places
Restaurants, hotels, retail, and wholesalers as well as office buildings. They generate a host of recyclable wastes and special wastes.
Municipal services:
The activities provided by municipal services include street sweeping, park maintenance, landscaping, water, and waste treatment plants maintenance. Here wastewater and sludge are produced, along with a host of street sweepings and debris derived from keeping recreational areas neat and tidy.
The vast agricultural areas spread around the world are involved in the growing of crops, development of orchards, vineyards, farms, and feedlots that produce a wide range of spoiled food wastes, agricultural wastes, and chemical wastes like pesticides and herbicides.
Construction and demolition
The waste from activities at new construction sites, from building demolitions, home and business renovations, and road constructions consist of concrete, debris from stone and other mixtures, wood, steel, and general dirt.
What Waste Management Practices Work?
There are various levels of complexity in managing waste. If all the activities that are recognized to manage waste are practiced in tandem, then waste management programs are more successful. Miss out on some of them, and waste is not handled optimally. Let’s look at what they are:
Source reduction
These programmes are more prevalent in high income areas of developed countries like the UK, where source reduction and reuse of materials is far more advanced than low- and middle-income communities. The programmes are target driven which helps measure their effectiveness and can monitor what has been achieved.
Waste Collection
Unfortunately, where the low income and poor are, waste collection will probably be limited to areas of high visibility, or where those that can pay towards a service are located. As the collections get more advanced in wealthier areas, far more efficient collection rates are achieved through mechanical means like compactors and modern machinery.
In poor areas, it’s an informal process, where waste pickers make a living out of waste that they collect to receive money from a recycling centre. On the other end of the scale technologically advanced material collection processes for sorting and remanufacturing are to be found in first world situations, making products out of recycled materials.
While low- and middle-income areas are the big generators of compostable materials, the composting activities are low in these areas. Compared with more affluent situations, where material availability is lower, but composting activity in backyards and in big scale operators is much more prevalent.
Incinerators are found in more affluent areas, being a choice of disposal because land is at a premium and has a high cost of establishment and operation. Most would need good management practices taking the environmental into consideration and conserving energy through some kind of recovery process.
The focus on landfills is intensifying as pressure mounts to make them more eco-friendly and less of an eyesore. Advanced landfills are unlike those in poor areas. Poor areas have open dump sites which are smelly, dirty, and unhygienic. As they become more sophisticated, sanitary additions and environmental controls are put in place. The more advanced landfills have leachate collections, leak detections, and even gas collection mechanisms in place.
The more the public helps with waste management, the lower to cost of collection. In poor areas collection costs take up most of a Council’s budget. The more we get involved as citizens and businesses, the lower the cost of collection spend by the authorities. Authorities then have more money to allocate to other things such as the efficient treatment of waste and investing in equipment towards the value adding aspects of waste.
It’s tough on the poor who often are subjected to a dirty environment simply because the organized waste collection routines are not there.
This waste from townships in third world countries in particular is often found to pollute rivers in times of heavy rains, whereupon everything runs into the sea, causing further harm.
Better Waste Management
Rubbish Removal Chester is at the forefront of initiatives to improve the waste management process in your community. We are ready to be consulted for any assistance you or your business requires when implementing better waste management processes.
By sticking to good waste management practices, we lead the way to ensure that the waste generated in our area is dealt with responsibly. In this way we can protect the environment for future generations and be assured that we will maintain the pristine beauty of the area.
On the ground, we are on standby to be of service with any waste problem that may arise. Our same day service is designed to treat waste reduction, collection, and disposal with the urgency it demands. We are a licensed waste removal company, doing waste disposal quickly and efficiently, at affordable prices for all.
Our team will collect any waste at any time agreed upon, just give us a try, you won’t be disappointed.
Please contact us for a no obligation quote to get an estimate of what removal of your waste will cost.
Chester 01244 953100
Wirral 0151 808 0407